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Enlightenment Intensive Masters TRAINING

10 Day MASTERS Training


8th - 17th August 2025

Price: £1600                   


Prices include all meals, accommodation and all course materials.

If you are a community contributor and would like/need a reduction, contact Shivam directly at

Being held by Shivam O'Brien and clare herron

Clare and Shivam, in response to requests and needs are now offering a full master's training. they have together run many Intensive's over the last 15 years.


Shivam has conducted more than 80 in the UK, Ireland, Poland, and India.


Shivam and Clare teach the original technique and format introduced by Charles Berner over 50 years ago.

This comprehensive 10-day training equips you with everything you need to start running Enlightenment Intensives yourself.


Additionally, it integrates various aspects of leadership and the levels of responsibility required for any pursuit of excellence and mastery.


Course Requirement: Completion of three Enlightenment Intensives, including at least one with Shivam or Clare.

To secure a place: A £500 deposit is required.


This is an in-depth and thorough training. Participants should be free of outside distractions as much as possible.

There will be practice Intensives as part of the training, providing real opportunities for experiences and insights.

The training encompasses multiple levels, both experiential and theoretical.


This is most likely a one off, we do not forsee a masters training being offereed again at Spirit Horse any time before the next apocolypse!



Shivam O'Brien


Shivam's journey with intensive's started at the age of 29 in 1987 with two 3 days intensive's, followed by a SIX week intensive, followed by another 3 day intensive at the end of that year. He lead his first intensive in 1989, after training with Jake and Eva Chapman in 1988 and completing more 3 day and 2 week intensive's. 1990 he founded Spirit Horse and began a carrer of offering intensive's and other programs in the wild natural setting of the welsh valley that became a spirit home and place of practice for many.


Shiv's experience with all that might be involved on the path branches out way beyond the world of intensive's, streaching east and west. He draws on decades of experience with Tiban Lamas, Dzogchen, Satsang masters, Medicine Men and Indian Masters.


"without those first Intensive's and the masters training i would never have been able to steer a ship like Spirit Horse on such a wild voyage"


clare herron


Claire Heron


Claire trained as an EI Master with Lawrence Noyes in 2007.
She has supported dozens of Intensives with Shivam, as well running a few of her own.

She has a broad experience of many growth techniques gleaned over the last 40 years, and has settled on the EI as being the most effective.


"Claire brings an entirely different, fresh, interpersonal approach to the magic of dyads. Not paying much tax to any tradition, she sets a pro example of a ruthless, compassionate, ecstatic free woman dedicated to truth and life lived for the living"  Shivam O'Brien.


​"Enlightenment Intensive is the best tool I know for accessing profound states of awareness. The method is a mixture of structured formula teamed with radical openness, creating a space that welcomes Living Mystery.

The EI Masters Training not only cultivates the ability to hold and run EIs, but also develops personal sovereignty benefitting all aspects of ones life."


This is a camping event. Bell tents are available from £275 for the full events stay and £45 for bedding. If you would like to reserve one please email us on

​​For more information see our rent a Bell Tent page. 


Arrival Time: 8th August 3 pm - 5 pm


Please make sure to arrive on site at the arrival time. We will ferry you and all your gear in our four wheel drive vehicles down the steep mountain road to the village (if you don't fancy the spectacular mountain footpath). This takes only a few minutes to drive but you will have to load everything into our vehicles with our help. Welcome to the Bhutan of Wales. You can have the full Himalayan adventure without ever leaving Britain.


Spirit Horse Mountain Retreat is set amidst 200 acres of wildest Wales, allowed through the Forest of Dreams (registered charity) to return to its natural original face.

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