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Enlightenment Intensive
Dzogchen Retreat


25th - 31st May 2023

Full Price: £500  -  Concessions: £400

3 Day Enlightenment Intensive with 3 Day Integration

An Enlightenment Intensive (EI), based faithfully on the original form created by Charles Berner, will be followed by a very special integration period featuring the Dzogchen tradition of Tibet.


Sadly teacher James Low cannot join us due to health reasons. We wish him long life and a full recovery, and hope he can join us for this retreat sometime in the future. Despite this sad and disappointing news we are still going ahead with the retreat, with the usual integration days and inclusion of the methods and texts from the Dzogchen tradition. 


In the summer of the year 2000, C. R. Lama taught for ten days in the roundhouse at Spirit Horse. We were fortunate enough to receive the incomparable blessing of Rinpoche’s transmission during that time. The Intensive will take place in that very building.


For over 20 years Shivam has experimented with integrating this powerful Self-Enquiry Retreat using techniques such as Breath Work, Dance and simply spending time in nature. 


"I am delighted that such a possibility has arisen and encourage all who are interested in true enquiry or Buddhist Dharma to come and attempt to go deeper together. I believe that Buddhist Meditators can learn from direct enquiry and EI old hands can move further with the support of such a profound tradition. Anyone curious and open can benefit beyond measure from these practises and this combination of methods.


During the days after an EI ripples and waves of acceptance pour forth and it becomes strikingly easier to rest in an all allowing openness. However, if this new and often delicate flower is not given space to fully bloom it easily becomes a memory. 


The Dzogchen tradition of Tibet deals with the transmission of utter openness beyond all thought and the subtle approaches to practise maintain that openness in all situations. James Low brings a rare distillation of the vast Tibetan tradition. Accessible, precise and in plain language, his exposition of this profound view is delivered in a direct style that can be applied intimately in the context of our ordinary day-to-day lives."


- Shivam 




The price includes an Enlightenment Intensive with full support, teachings of the Dharma afterwards,  all meals and teas for 6 full days and shared sleeping accommodation in a yurt, roundhouse or tipi. You are also welcome to bring your own tent. 


  • Price: £500


  • Concessions: £400 

(OAP/Student/Low Income) 


These retreats can be hugely beneficial and should be available to everyone. If you cannot afford the concession price please send us an email  here. 





Arrival Time: 5 pm - 7:30 pm. There is a welcoming meal and tea at 7:30 pm, the Intensive will formally begin at 9.30 pm.

Intensives finish at 10:30 pm on Sunday 28th May. From Monday the 29th May the schedule will be significantly more relaxed and at this point there will be teachings of the Dharma with James Low. 


Please make sure to arrive on site at the arrival time. We will ferry you and all your gear in our four wheel drive vehicles down the steep mountain road to the village (if you don't fancy the spectacular mountain footpath). This takes only a few minutes to drive but you will have to load everything into our vehicles with our help. Welcome to the Bhutan of Wales. You can have the full Himalayan adventure without ever leaving Britain.


Spirit Horse Mountain Retreat is set amidst 200 acres of wildest Wales, allowed through the Forest of Dreams (registered charity) to return to its natural original face.

Rent a Bell Tent 

You can bring your own tent for some extra privacy. If you would like to rent a bell tent from us please click the button below for more information. 

More information on the Enlightenment Intensives

Bookings and Cancellations Policy


It is really helpful for us when running courses and events if you book in advance.

If we have to cancel an event, we will provide you a full refund without question.
If you need to cancel your booking, you can carry the value of your booking over to another event (subject to availability) or pay £100 admin fee, unless exceptional circumstances.

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